Friday, 11 April 2014




Unquestionably,internet life simply cannot proceed normally without this magnificent search engine,everyone knows that,right from the moment they start using the internet. No one ever said 'lets yahoo it' or 'lets bing it'
its always been 'lets google it' or 'did you google it?'
'you did? still cant find it? then its better stop looking yaar'
yes thats the true story. THE END.


This here is THE WEBSITE FOR FREE FONTS. It lets you download any font of your chosing,whenever you want, totally for free.and this site even sorts fonts based on the theme you are probably looking for,which in itself places it ahead of any other font sites I know of. I got the link off of a digit magazine a couple of years ago. Back then the site was so clean without any ads at all. But these days it takes a tiny bit more time to load and has ads. Sad. But the fun still remains. For any image editing work as well as presentation/video editing, cool fonts, here we come !


Come on ! This is the online encyclopedia. How can any quest for online knowledge be complete without this endless universe of information? This here is perhaps the website I end up, whenever iam looking for answers or trying to dig up new facts about something. Movies, cars, music, people be it anything, let it be everything. Wikipedia has got them all !


Aha ! Its the universal video streaming website out there. Popular than any other website when it comes to online video sharing, as far as concerned,this site HAD BETTER DAYS. Earlier youtube used to play videos so easily without any ads or annoying popup ads. But nowadays you find yourself waiting (praying) for the video to actually start buffering, then its 'shit theres an ad' and you wait (hope) that you can skip the ad in 5 seconds but 'shit its a full ad' and you end up closing the video altogether. Sorry uploader, you are unlucky !
That and add the 'Google+' mandatory condition for becoming a youtube user makes me repeat, this site had better days. But otherwise youtube videos are accepted norm of income for many out there,advertisers and wannabe professional filmmakers alike. Its links are accepted on a wide range of websites from facebook to blogs. The reason this website has to be included in such a list is because these days you could find a video,which is more intuitive than reading a whole bunch of text to learn and do almost anything you want. On videos teaching you how to make a paper plane to those which teach you complex softwares, this video sharing website sure helps you a lot on whatever project you ever have to work on.


Though not as popular among most of than the other websites mentioned above,this one has its own goodness. Supposing you are searching for a specific problem, say a software issue with your cellphone, you search for support about the problem on the internet and chances are,someone has already asked the same thing at yahoo answers,and off you go clicking on the link and most of the time you would end up with the solution to your problem. A website where users can ask as well as help others by answering their questions and an insane scoring system for your answering skills, this site saves tons of time where you spend thinking stuff up.


Whenever you are searching for that special car (actress) you saw in that movie or when you are searching for new sick wallpapers for your PC, this is the website you want to visit. Popularity is more for the image based search engine by the king of search engines,google over yahoos flickr. Hell, no one really remembers the last time they used flickr. Earlier google images used to have 'visually similar' search option which has now been replaced with a drag and drop search,which not only looks up similar images, but essentially tells you 'what' the image is,and also shows you in which other websites the image is being used. COOL and came in handy for more times than i care to mention. GO GOOGLE.


One has to admit, this is the easiest simplest site there is, for finding the torrent files you are looking for. It list torrents from reputed websites like piratebay, katph extratorrent, etrg, etc....
Loads quickly,shows seed/leach date/time added and even verifies the torrent with a green tick mark. what more does anyone want? Not many days go by without most of us visiting this website in the quest for new movies.

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