Sunday, 13 April 2014




This is one of the most common method I use for downloading youtube videos. If the video is out there in youtube,then it is practically up for the grabs. All you have to do while using this site is copy the youtube link (it also supports links from many other video sharing websites) and paste it right there in the space provided. This site lets you download the audio alone,if you trying to download just the song,not the video.
However you do have to install a java plugin (which usually gets to your nerves) if you are using it for the first time. And after that installation,its going to ask whether the browser may use the java plugin inorder to begin the download. Just check the "automatically load java plugin" or the "I trust this website" thing that appears which will help it all go away.
so on your system- yes definitely it works,but on a new system you need to find time for downloading the plugin as well.
moving on

2. "ssyoutube"

This is a unique case where I cannot specify the link. Basically what you have got to do is add an "ss" between the "www." and the ""

so this is what a sample of that being done correctly is going to look like

so hit enter and voila  ! you are taken to a new website that looks something like this -

You know the rest-select the type of file, the quality and download. This site may not work on copy right protect videos, you know, the ones you have to pay for, inorder to watch. And also I have found that occasionally it just does not open for no reason at all. Strange.

3. IDM-Internet Download Manager.

Getting IDM installed in your system is the first step. It can be easily obtained via torrents. The main advantage of IDM over normal downloading being the ability to pause your downloads,and the fact that it downloads the video by parts,which gives a slight advantage in terms of speed. When you are downloading HD videos that are hundreds of MBs in size, IDM sure lets you pause the download and continue at a later time.

4. Mozilla Firefox Plugins

When it comes to using firefox plugins for video downloads there are few options. The ones I would recommend are :-

Flash video downloader

Video download helper

1 clickyoutube download

so once these plugins or addons are installed you might have to restart firefox, But after that you will be delighted to find some new buttons in your firefox window,which will activate themselves in the presence of downloadable content. It even lets you select the type of file you want to download, and so on.

cheers ! Enjoy !

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